مادة اللغة الإنجليزية communication 2bac - فضاء الخوارزمي

أخر الأخبار

الخميس، 13 نوفمبر 2014

مادة اللغة الإنجليزية communication 2bac

مادة اللغة الإنجليزية communication 2bac

Apologizing : 
- I'm sorry for...
- Please accept my sincere apology
- I deeply regret that
- Forgive me! I didn't mean it

Responding to apologies : 
- That's all right!
- Never mind!
- Don't worry about it
- Forget about it
Understand / Clarify
Expressing lack of understanding : 
- Sorry, I don't understand you!
- I don't see what you mean!
- I can't get your idea!
- I don't quite follow you!

Asking for clarification : 
- What do you mean by...?
- Could you be more explicit?
- Could you clarify, please? 
- I beg your pardon! 
Asking for advice :
- What's your advice for...?
- What should I do to...?
- What do you advice me to do?
What would you do if you were me?

Giving advice :
- I advice you to...
- You'd better … / you ought to...
- If I were you, I would...
- Why don't you ... ?
Making a request : 
- Oh! Dear, I need …
- Would you mind...?
- Iwonder if you could...?
- I'd like you to …

Responding to requests : 
- Sure/Certainly!
- Yes, of course!
- Sorry!
- Of course not!

Making a complaint :
- Sorry, I have a complaint
- I'm a little dissatisfied with...
- I just don't know how to say it, but …
- I'm afraid I have to make a serious complaint 

Responding to complaints :
- Oh! Dear I'm really sorry about that
- I can't tell you how sorry I am 
- I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about it
- Sorry, we haven't anything we can do
Expressing certainty :
- I'm sure/certain …
- Definitely/certainly …
- There is no doubt …
- It's obvious/evident...

Expressing uncertainty :
- I'm uncertain …
- I'm not sure …
- I'm doubtful about …

Expressing probability : 
- It may be …
- It could be …
Asking for opinion : 
- What's your opinion of …?
- What about …?
- How do you feel about …?
- Do you think that …?

Expressing opinion : 
- In my opinion …
- Personally speaking, I think …
- To my mind …
- It seems to me that …
- I think you're right
- I share your opinion
- I can't agree with you
- I disagree with you

 Bad / Good news
Expressing bad news : 
- I really don't know how to say it, but...
- I am really sorry to say that...
- You will be sorry/sad to hear …

Responding to bad news :
- Oh! Dear/my God!
- What a pity!
- Please accept my condolences!

Expressing good news : 
- I've got some smashing news to tell you...
- You will be pleased to hear...
- I'm glad to tell you that...

Responding to good news :
- Oh! Congratulations!
- Well done!
- What happy news!

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